ECO Leadership Team

Our ECO Team

ECO's Nonhierarchical-Leadership Structure

Don't be scared away from leadership because of traditional commitment requirements! While we do have a few designated co-leaders below, ECO embraces a nonhierarchical-leadership structure. At the heart of this approach is the belief that every student brings unique perspectives and skills to the table, and every contribution, regardless of time or size, is important and valuable!


Maura Hogan

ECO Co-Leader


Allie Sirrine

ECO Co-Leader


Lane Victorson, LMSW

ECO UMB Faculty Advisor

Our ECO Founders


Lucy Zhao, MSW, MPH

Original ECO Founder & UMB Alumni


Nicole Mattocks, PhD, LMSW

Original ECO Founding Faculty Advisor










Interested in Leadership?

We are always looking for ambitious & creative people to make ECO grow and flourish!

If you are looking to join an innovative collective of like-minded students, please reach out and we'll set up a chat!


"While they may seem small, the ripple effects of small things can be extraordinary." - Matt Bevin